Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fatfish Steamboat Revisited!

Val treated me to Fatfish last night!
 i walked up! it was only 630pm, so it was nice and bright :)

approaching Fatfish! wahaha.

We sat outside this time round, because we took the grill+steamboat option. I didn't know they have this grill option!! When I called to reserve yesterday afternoon, the manager asked me if i wanted steamboat only or steamboat+grill. I went 'got grill meh??'
FYI, my review on Fatfish steamboat alone is here.

Here's the sinful cup of butter.

and their home made chilli sauce that Val loves :)

We were just right next to the SHIP :D

nice scenic spot isnt it?

they have a side trolley to put all our raw stuff! :)
Having the grill option is great for variety, but bad for health! wahaha. The sound of the hot splattering butter seemed to have the power of getting people excited! But of cos, it's not wise to bring children, coz the splattering butter can go a long way, to your hands and face. Val and I were totally reeking of oily butter after the dinner. But the taste was great! Tasty! Yummy!
I wanna go AGAIN!


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